I am a Computer-Scientist who graduated from a Ms in Research in Informatics focused on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (UPC) while researching and implementing geometry processing solutions for HP’s high-resolution 3D printers.
I currently work at Skydance Animation Madrid, building algorithmic and mathematical solutions for our rigging and animation teams.
In 2022, I got selected and participated in Vulcanus in Japan, where I got to live and research in the land of the rising sun, working in Robotics for Mujin Inc.
My areas of interest cover mainly anything related to graphics, though I have mostly worked on geometry processing and animation/simulation. Also, C++ is my language of choice.
Get my resumé .
PhD in Computing, 2024 - Present
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech
MS in Innovation and Research in Informatics, 2020 - 2022
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech
BS in Informatics Engineering, 2016 - 2020
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech
Selected for the Vulcanus in Japan program, covering a Japanese language course and a research internship for Mujin Inc.
Worked in palletization logic and algorithms, testing, and palletization generation analytic visualizations.
Research and development of algorithmic solutions for state-of-the-art high-resolution 3D printing for HP Inc.
Implemented a high-performant pipeline to convert and process models into printable slices, following the 3mf format and its extensions.
Real-time interactive simulator of tetrahedral models using the Finite Elements Method.
Triangle mesh spectral clustering and cache-oblivious mesh layout optimization
GPU simulator of mass-spring systems with collisions. Hair and cloth rendering.
Scalable implementation of multiple visibility culling algorithms for benchmarking.
Game Engine using Vulkan, and fiber-based job system. Serialization, Mesh simplification, cell-to-cell visibillity…
GPU distance computation and search using cosine similarities between words encoded in a vector space.