Semantic distances between GloVe's word embedings

Image by Stanford


GPU implementation to compute word similarities using the word embedding model of GloVe, which contains $2.2\cdot10^6$ words.

Given a word, the program computes the cosine distance between all other words in the database, where the cosine distance is defined as follows:

$$ cosDist(\vec A, \vec B) = \frac{\vec A \cdot \vec B}{|\vec A||\vec B|}$$

Because we are using angles to compute the similarities, we can also compute pairs of words with similar relationships. An example is if we search for king - queen we get (among others) men - women.

As the program will compute this distance between all other words, a GPU sorting and filtering algorithm have been implemented. It can retrieve the N words with the highest similarity.


The final implementation, making use of warp synchronization and minimizing memory usage in the sorting, can compute the all similarities in under 10ms.

Pol Martín Garcia
Pol Martín Garcia
Computer Graphics R&D

Computer graphics enthusiast, focused on simulation and real-time rendering.