MPM Simulator (Bachelor's thesis)


Bachelor’s thesis on simulating arbitrary deformable materials, following the Material Point Method, in its Moving Least Squares version (Yuanming et al.).

Wrote an introductory document to MPM, from the point of view of an Informatic Engineer student. The publication can be found here.

A versatile implementation was also developed, with its CPU and GPU versions, able to create arbitrary scenes with custom parameters.


  • Decorated with the best informatics engineering bachelor final thesis of the promotion 2019-2020 of the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona. By FIB-Alumni.
  • Granted with the best bachelor final thesis in Spain related to Computer Graphics of the promotions 2019-2021. By the Spanish congress of Computer Graphics.


Some GIFs of the obtained results can be seen here:

  • A comparison of different stiffness materials, with some hardening:

    Falldown GIF

  • Preserve all deformation as elastic:

    Great Deformation Gif

  • Huge plastic deformations allow to simulate fluids:

    Snow Gif

Many more GIFs can be found in this Google Drive Folder

If you want to see more results, you can watch the following video. Be sure to increase the quality to HD.

Pol Martín Garcia
Pol Martín Garcia
Computer Graphics R&D

Computer graphics enthusiast, focused on simulation and real-time rendering.